Lucien Immink

Software Architect & Developer Advocate

Articles by Lucien Immink

Talks by Lucien Immink

  • Cloud for front-end

    Do you have acces to you live environment? Unsure of what is deployed? Ever ran out of cpu power or memory? In this talk Lucien Immink will help you out by asking another question: "Should you care?"

  • One Web Component a day keeps the docter away

    Use stuff that you can reuse and build stuff that other people can reuse

  • Why LIT is 🔥

    Every day a new JavaScript library is born, every week a new framework arrives and every month a front-end developer needs to rewrite a date picker 😢 LIT is a modern library for creating component libraries, design systems but also sites and apps. LIT components are web components and as such work anywhere you use HTML.